

Bike Drive Season Is Here! Consider Supporting BWorks Through A Donation.

Bike Drive Season Is Here – Check Our Monthly Calendar For Bike Drives Near You

St. Louis BWorks hosts a number of Bike Drives across the Metro area during the spring, summer, and fall. These drives serve several purposes. First, they provide a steady supply of kid and adult sized bicycles which are of critical importance to the BWorks programs and Mission.  They also provide an opportunity for you to do a little ‘house cleaning’ and in so doing make a difference for youth in the Metro area.

All donated kids appropriate bikes are evaluated and are first sorted into one of three groups: (1) bikes to be refurbished and then given to students in our Earn-A-Bike program who successfully complete the course, (2) bikes that are damaged and will be recycled which includes removing any useful parts and then recycling the metal and rubber for future use elsewhere, and (3) bikes that are sound and will be refurbished and donated to other area nonprofits.

All donated adult sized bikes are evaluated for sound structure and function and then are refurbished and the sold to the general public from the Bworks Bike Shop. The sale of these refurbished adult bikes adds to BWorks’ yearly operating budget. Bikes that are sound but do not conform to the general profile of adult bikes we sell are stored and yearly donated through Bikes For The World into developing countries where they are refurbished and become primary modes of transportation for youth and adults in the area. Finally, adult bikes that are damaged or unsound have all the usable parts removed which become available for sale in the BWorks bike shop and the remaining metal and rubber and recycled for future use elsewhere.

Your donation of a bicycle or bicycle related item helps us continue to offer our kid’s programs to any area youth between the ages of 8 and 17 for free.

BWorks is a 501(c)(3) NonProfit and can provide those who donate items our tax letter to acknowledge the donation(s).

Thanks for your support!
BWorks Staff and Volunteers