

Annual Birthday Party • Saturday, October 13 • 6 PM to 10 PM

Happy 24th Birthday Bworks

Come join us on Saturday, October 13 from 6 to 10 PM at St. Louis Bworks located at 2414 Menard Street in the Soulard area.

This will be a block party and birthday party and all are welcome.  Come along, bring the family, invite a friend.  There will be fun and food for purchase at food trucks from :  L’École CulinaireFrostbite Gourmet Ice Cream, & Papa m’s Fancy Franks.

Join us in this family friendly.

Bworks is also celebrating its first year in our new Soulard location and we would like to thank the local community for its warm welcome.

volunteer to help during the event, click here to go to the Birthday Party Volunteer Form.

Bworks began in 1988 as St. Louis Bicycle Works and was originally located in the Shaw neighborhood.  For the past 24 years we have  served the kids of the St. Louis area guided by our idea that, “Children – or any young people for that matter – can thrive when they have the opportunity to challenge their abilities in a safe, supportive environment”.   that end, over the years, we have developed three touchstone programs designed to imerse kids in a specific task that supports learning, enhances group cooperation and builds character through our Earn-A-Bike, Earn-A-Computer & Create-A-Book programs.

You can become apart of our efforts by donating your time or money, donating a bicycle, bike parts or computer, or simply by stopping by Bworks and purchasing a bicycle for yourself or members of your family.  Bworks is a volunteer run 501(c)(3) organization with 2 1/2 paid staff and over 120 regular volunteers.  Your donation or your support through a purchase goes directly into our kids programs.

Help us make a difference for a kid!

Saturday, October 13 • 6 – 10 PM