Crank-N-Clicke will Start at 5 PM from The Handlebar in Manchester, click for a Google Map.
Photo scavenger hunt on two wheels • $10 per team of two!
Bring your digital camera and come join us on a 2hr long scavenger hunt around St. Louis. Find items on the list and snap a picture to get the related points. (dont forget to clear off your digital cards so we can download and share all the pics)
Examples of what we asked you to find pictures of last time:
- A police officer handcuffing you to a bicycle. 10pts
- A bride in full wedding gown sitting on a bicycle 10pts
- A public library 2pts
- A local bicycle shop owner 5pts
- Pose with a statue 2pts
- Art-Car 2pts
- Art-Bike 5pts
Afterwords hang out and watch everyone's photos on one of the three projectors.
+++++++$10 per team of two++++++++