

Introducing: BWorks Loaner Library

We get some amazing donations at BWorks! Some of these donations are pretty special and we work with various groups to find homes for these items: Adaptive bikes have gone to local hospitals, striders to other youth groups and even adult trikes head to local senior facilities. But what if some of these items were available to the greater community to access? 

BWorks is excited to announce our new loaner library starting on May 1st.  

Our hope is that by sharing with the greater St. Louis community some of these resources even more kids and adults will catch the cycling bug and join the cycling community — from striders for the little ones, to trikes for the older ones, or bikes for those that might need a little extra support. We are just getting started and hope to continue to build out our library to have something for everyone.   

Your annual $60/year donation to Bworks gets you access to all sorts of fun cycling products, and our library is always growing!  

What do you want to borrow? Check out the start of our lending library here!

How it works 

$60/ or more a year (donation) gets you an access code that allows you to reduce the cost of anything on our website under the loaner library to $0. You pick what you want to try, check yourself out through the website and then we will be in contact to arrange a time to pick up the item(s). All we ask is that you remember the timeline for returning so that the next person can try it out AND that you don’t abuse the item. 


-Donations can be made in person at our building, via paypal here or by mail.

-Membership starts from the date of a $60 or greater donation and is good for one year. 

-Members are asked to email to get their discount code. This code is good for self checkout on our website or in person at our building in Soulard.

-Sharing of membership codes is not allowed. 

-Up to two items can be checked out at a time. 

-Most items will be available for 30 day check out.  

-Popular items might in the future be restricted for the length of loans so that more individuals can utilize them. Our hope is to add more items to prevent this.