

Become a BWorks Member

Becoming a BWorks member is one of the best ways to show your support. Your membership is key to keeping our programs free for youth in and around St. Louis who strive to learn and be more. A membership with BWorks directly supports our mission “children – or any young people for that matter – can thrive when they have the opportunity to challenge their abilities in a safe, supportive environment.

Your monetary donation is only used for programs. We are able to do this because grants and our retail storefront covers the bulk of our overhead expenses.

From purchasing materials that students earn through participation in our programs to supplying teachers for our multiple offsite locations, a monetary donation from you directly affects the number of students we are able to work with each year.

There are two ways to show your support through at BWorks membership: (1) Use our secure online PayPal link to make a one-time donation, or (2) use one of our secure online PayPal links to make a continuing monthly installment donation. This second way starts for as little as $5.00 per month.  In this way, you can become an ongoing supporter without taking a big hit in the checkbook.

Become a BWorks member through a one-time secure donation, click here

These BWorks Memberships are paid through the secure BWorks PayPal online account. If you make a one-time donation you will receive an email confirmation, and if you choose one of the monthly reoccurring payment plans you will a monthly E-mailed confirmation of the debited amount along with an opportunity to cancel the membership.

St. Louis BWorks is a 501(c)(3) organization and all donations, sales and membership donations are tax deductible. Please consider becoming a BWorks member and help support our mission.
